Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wordless Wednesday-Graduation Ball

Congratulations Babe- I am so proud of you!


Jenileigh said...

Great shots. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

congrats to both of you---its been an adventure for BOTH of both shouldbe VERY proud love ya, AUNT PAM

Angela said...

Congrats - what a handsome hubby!

The Smith Boys said...

You guys look great! Lisa you look really skinny and congrats Toby! Have a good move this weekend!

THE WADE FAMILY said... I know it's like your buddy's big night and everything but you are sooooo gorgeous! wow! what a stunning couple!

Lisa Lou Hoo said...

Awww shucks- ya'll are gonna make my head big!

Thank you for your kind words- it was a lovely night!

Unknown said...

You both look lovely and very happy!

Anonymous said...

You are both gorgeous! I hope you had a FABULOUS time. Congratulations to both of you for making it through a tough time. MomTOO

Sarah said...

You guys look great and I agree with the person God girl you look so tiny! Gorgeous Pair! Well, Gorgeous/Handsome pair. ;-)

Congrats to both of you for making it through flight school!