Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday- Caption Ideas?



too cute...she looks like "darla" trying to be "alfalfa" so i say you go with the movie's tagline (or atleast my modified version - ha!):

boys will be boys, girls will be girls, but today she's going to be a little rascal!

happy day before turkey day!

love, abby (and her mommy - ha!)

Bethany said...

Oh that is great! I don't know about caption ideas though. He looks a bit like a Who! What a great photo, though.

Happy WW!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

That's a perfect picture of a Dr. Seuss character! Too funny!

Unknown said...

LOL!! that's so cute. I laughed out loud on that one. My son loves for me to do silly things to his hair while in the tub!

Queen of My Domain said...

That's very funny. Happy WW.