Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday- He Can Count By Twos and Tie His Shoes


carrie said...

that's quite an accomplishment. It takes my kids forever to get to that point.

happy wednesday

Sarah said...

Yippie! WTG!

Happy2bme said...

Great job!! I have tried teaching my little one how to tie his shoes but he's just not quite getting it. Happy WW!!

Mama Smurf said...

Yeah, I guess I should get my be-hind in order and teach my daughter this! BTW - Love the background music on your blog!

Mindy said...

Nice job, good for him. He looks so pleased with himself : )

Anonymous said...

Please tell him I am so proud of him. I KNEW he could do it!!! I love the tonque for more concentrating energy...I WONDER where he gets that from???

Anonymous said...

That is a great moment, isn't it?